Friday, September 30, 2011


My driver's license expired in August...

I never look at my driver's license.... nor does anyone else!   I'm a grandmother after all...

While going thru a pile of papers Monday evening, I found the notice to renew my driver's license...

Tuesday afternoon, I had the staff meeting / baby shower.  Wednesday afternoon, I had a dr's appt.... so... yesterday afternoon, I made a bee-line from work to the DMV!

I was able to renew my driver's license even though I didn't know what that triangle-laying-on-its-side sign was...

...I live in the sticks and we don't have none of them around here!

The DMV office closes at 4:30 and I was sure I'd be the last person seen for the day.... but OH NO!  Three cars... count 'em... three cars pulled in when I was leaving at 4:23 pm.

At least, I don't have to worry about renewing my license again for eight years!   However, you'd think that the folks at DMV would want to check me more often now...


  1. I'm just glad that they didn't make you take the driving test over again.

  2. I did that one year too! At my office that's known as a NOL (No Operators License). My coworkers gladly let me off work to get the license renewed so I didn't get an NOL for them to take care of. :o)

  3. Cute post. You're lucky you didn't get "caught".

  4. If I was DMV I'd wonder how you'd gotten there... drove with an expired license! Tsk! Seems the more we go along the more rules, laws, and fines there are. I'm off to look at my license... I never look at it either.

  5. Take a deep breath---------your safe for another eight years.

  6. This post made me think of an election a couple of years ago (not really related, but kind of). Our state had just started requiring ID at the polls (I guess they figured before then we all knew each other) and as the first poll worker to greet the voter I would have to ask to see it. We live in a small farming community where buildings are few and far between and it was amazing to me how many people had driven the two or three (or more) miles to the polls without their license--including my 82-year-old MIL.

  7. You're save for 8 years now..;o)

  8. I'm relieved to hear that you got that taken care of before you got into trouble! That reminds me, I have a stack of paper on my desk I better go through too. Who knows what's lurking there, though I do know I have another year on my driver's license!

  9. That is funny but you are very lucky you didn't get caught! Not too much chuckling then!!

  10. You remember my story about being pulled over by the cops and founding out my extension temporary license had expired. At least you didn't arrive at that humiliating point. ;)

  11. Funny!!! I need to renew my license too!!

  12. Bwahahahahaha!! This cracked me up!!

  13. Oh, boy, did this same thing last year on my birthday, and I was pulled over on a Friday night ID check. I told them I had made an appointment for the following Tuesday at 12:30 and the DMV branch I was going to and continued to blather on until I was flustered and they let me go. I think I just wore them down, lol.
    Your share made me smile, you are not alone!!
