Showing posts with label JohnaLee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JohnaLee. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

FNSI: Four More Stars

I decided to finish up the second batch of star blocks for John'aLee of The Scrappy Appleyard for this month's FNSI project.

In addition to the weekly Civil War blocks, I will be quilting and binding quilts for the remainder of this year.

I'm not much at straightening up until I finish a project so....  if I finished the stars, then I could put away those fabric scraps and make my cutting table a bit less cluttered.

I'm still intrigued about how different a block can look just by changing the colors and values around... much so, that I see a star quilt happening next year.

In the meantime, these four star blocks, along with the previously blogged about star...

...will be sent out to John'aLee in Monday's mail.

Thanks, Bobbi and Heidi for hosting another successful Friday Night Sew In!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Another Star Block

...for John'aLee of The Scrappy Appleyard who is making quilts for the loved ones of a soldier who was killed in Afghanistan, one week before he was scheduled to come home.

If you're interested in donating a block or two, check out this web page.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Easy (?) Lemoyne Star

John'aLee posted links to star quilt block patterns and I thought I'd give the Easy Lemoyne Star block a try.

Maybe a zillion tiny HSTs are easier than the diamond-shapes and Y-seams... but I don't see how.    Janet O. of The Rogue Quilter told me that "easy Lemoyne Star" is an oxymoron and I have to agree!

Next time I need a Lemoyne Star, I'm doing the traditional method.   *lol*

Also completed a variation on the North Star block for block #5...

All five blocks will go out in the mail to John'aLee on Monday!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Another Star Block

I used Barbara Brackman's instructions to make a North Star block to send to John'aLee of The Scrappy Appleyard...

I plan to get these blocks in the mail on Monday.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I enjoy the monthly Friday Night Sew In with Heidi and Bobbi and this month... I won the give-away!  The cool book and neat note cards arrived in yesterday's mail...

I am so excited!   

I'd be even more excited if I could learn to take less fuzzy photos...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Ohio Star Variations

John'aLee of The Scrappy Appleyard has asked for donations of 8.5" (or 12.5") star quilt blocks; please read my previous post for the story and more information.

Yesterday afternoon, I spent a little time in my red and blue scrap bins and made two Ohio Stars...

After a long day at work, that was sufficient for one session... I'll made a couple more stars this evening.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stars for a Soldier

John'aLee of The Scrappy Appleyard has posted a request for 8.5" star quilt blocks.  Her DD's fiance, Chris, was killed in Afghanistan shortly before he was due to return home.  Chris was buried just days before what would have been his and Tory's wedding day.

John'aLee would like to make quilts for her daughter Tory, Chris' mom, his two brothers, and his best friend who was in Afghanistan and with Chris when he was shot and killed.  John'aLee is asking for stars in muted reds, blues, and white... similar to those in the fabric lines by Minick and Simpson for Moda.  Minick and Simpson fabric lines include Clermont Farms, Wiscasset, and American Banner Rose.

If you would like to participate but are hesitant because of a lack of a star block pattern that measures 8.5", I would like to suggest one of the Barbara Brackman Civil War BOW star blocks for which instructions are provided:

John'aLee is asking that, if at all possible to have the blocks to her by end of October. You may send them to:
The Scrappy Appleyard
3218 Knobview Drive
Nashville, TN 37214
If you'd like to read the story of Tory and Chris, visit John'aLee's blog:  The Scrappy Appleyard.  You'll need to read back several posts...  so very touching and sad.
I'm planning to make a couple of star blocks in Chris' memory... 
...and to honor others who are protecting our freedoms.