Friday, August 29, 2014

Tiny Trees: Blocks 28 - 30

I'm starting to think it's my camera that is giving me probs taking consistently clear photos... wasn't expensive and I've given it a workout over the past 5 or so years!

So.... maybe it's time for a new one?

I'm loving this sky fabric.... thanks again, Janet!


  1. You know what I'm going to say, don't you? These are my new favourites! :oD

  2. If you can have a spring flowering tree, how about a fall colored tree? You could make a few deciduous by making the tops like snowballs... squares rounded with sky.
    Love the current forest. Did you make a twin to one in the last post?

  3. Looking good, Freda! I'm glad you are making use of that fabric. I purchased it for a project a couple of years ago and then decided to go a different direction. It has been sitting in the stash ever since, being lonely. : )
