Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I've been scarce recently for several reasons...  things such as "the end of the school year," a dear friend lost her husband last Saturday, the shift to summer hours at work (four 10-hr workdays/week), and mostly because I've been resting and sleeping...  a lot.

The tingling in my hand and arm... well, I finally faced the fact that what was going on was that my multiple sclerosis is active.  I didn't want to admit it because it's been at least ten years since the last major episode.... with care, I've been able to manage generally....  but not this time.

Rest is the best thing to get over/through/past an episode and I've been doing that rather than sewing.... however, I hope to do some sewing this weekend... which is a three-day weekend....  the one good thing about those 4-day work weeks.... time to sew and time to rest too.

No worries... it's been 22 years since the initial diagnosis.  I can still walk unaided... tho I am a bit unsteady on my feet at times.  My hands and arms may be tingling but I can still use them.   My head is clear and my memory is no more impaired than what would be expected at my advanced age.   In addition, being "older and wiser" means I don't try to power through an episode.  I am taking care of myself and I will be alright in time.

I would take it kindly that the next time you hear about a fund raiser for MS, drop a quarter in the box.... donate a dollar...   hopefully, some day there will be a cure...


  1. You are a brave woman! And a wonderful women of inspiration! Blessings!!!!

  2. Glad to hear you are doing ok. Keep on taking care of yourself. :o)

  3. My thoughts are with you!! I'm glad you have learned to manage your symptoms. I'm still struggling with managing my IBS symptoms...I hope to be back to blogging one of these days.

  4. Ah, wisdom is a wonderful thing! Take care of you!

  5. Take care of yourself. I pray that soon there will be a cure.

  6. Didn't realize you faced this battle, Freda! My prayers are with you. I know a few others who deal with this. It is a different experience for each one. Take care and gain strength!

  7. I didn't know you had MS. I have several other friends with this as well. Support groups are good!! Hope this passes quickly for you = )

  8. I have a co-worker with MS and always contribute to her MS Walk team. You are wise not to try to "power through" the symptoms. So sorry to hear of your friend's loss of her husband, a sad milestone in life. Many stressors in your life right now - I hope you will take care.

  9. Rats. I'm so sorry you're having a flare. My dad was recently diagnosed with MS, a side effect of a rare cancer he had and the resulting radiation. My mother also has fibromyalgia, and so I understand exactly what you mean by resting. Best wishes for a rapid recovery. Lots of love your way!

  10. I've missed you! Have you in my heart and prayers, for healing and a cure. Rest easy friend.

  11. Hang in there! Rest up and get better. I will be praying. It is nice to hear from you even if you aren't doing anything quilty!

  12. Keep your positive and I know you will get though this episode of MS. You've got a lot of blogger friends pulling for you.

  13. Thank you for sharing on your health matters, that takes courage! I'm praying for your rest and strength, dear lady! Hope it can slow down soon.
    hugs, pokey

  14. Gentle hugs to you from me. I think your positive mental attitude will get you through this as much as the rest will. I hope this passes quickly for you.

  15. (((Freda))), Take good care for yourself Freda, I know it's not an easy disease.
    Greetings Roos

  16. Take care of yourself Freda, even if you can't stitch for the moment, there are always plenty of blogs to read for future inspiration. Hugs

  17. My thoughts are with you always....
    My uncle had MS and it wasn't good to see someone go down hill so fast. He passed from an aneurism though.
    Rest with your feet up.....but I think you have it under control.
    Mum always gives to MS ( because of her brother )

  18. I'll be thinking about you and praying for you.

  19. I am so sorry to hear you are having an active episode, but glad that you are taking good care of yourself. Here's hoping that you feel good enough to resume sewing very soon. Hugs

  20. praying for you Freda:)

    I hope that you have many,many,many more years of sewing ahead of you and many,MANY more QST'S;) (i mean that in a good way,maybe you are tired of QST'S!)

  21. Sorry you are having troubles - take care of yourself and hopefully you will bounce back soon!

  22. Thinking of you...hope the rest is helping. You have lots of supporters here. Our universe needs you.

  23. Freda...please take care of yourself. Stay out of the heat...don't overdo...let others help. I know it easy for other folks to say but still...

  24. You have a full plate. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. I am thinking of you and praying for your health.

  25. I will certainly do that and I'll think of you when I do! Continue to take care of yourself. It sounds like you're doing everything just right!
