
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Floor Pillows

The grandgirls wanted pillows for their rooms and I decided to make the pillows large enough for them to actually sit on them on the floor.... or lie on them on the floor... or prop up in bed and read.   

I used BlockBase (link)  to resize the blocks I chose to 27" finished.... love doing that!  So easy, no math...

These are actually pillow covers so DD can remove the covers and wash them when needed.

The dolphin pillow top was quilted with wavy line in an attempt to have the dolphins swimming thru water and the crab pillow top was stitched-in-the-ditch.  

Now... on to another project!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Quilt Show (part four)

There was a cool quilt displayed that I thought was "made" by the quilting...  I loved the colors and the pattern.... but this quilt was about the quilting imho.

Although it was a throw-size quilt, I don't want to even think about what it cost to be quilted!

This entry was called "Blue Desert" but because of all the blues, I saw "beach" instead of "desert."

Lots and lots of thread painting...

It was for sale but I did not inquire at the boutique about the price.   

Thus ends my photo review of interesting (to me) quilts at the quilt show.  It was fun seeing photos friends took.... there was very little overlap of what we each found interesting enough to photo.